Town of Sheboygan Lions Club

Monthly Meetings
Second Tuesday of the Month
6:00 PM Social (light supper and cocktails)
6:30 PM Meeting
Town and Country Golf Club Restaurant
Lions Club International officially chartered the Town of Sheboygan Lions Club on June 22, 2003. The charter members decided that the use Lions Club International motto "We Serve" to provide services and the funds to the Town of Sheboygan Parks, the Town of Sheboygan Fire Department, Town of Sheboygan First Responders, and other service projects benefiting the town.
To achieve our yearly fundraising goals we hold brat frys, sell flowers for Mother's Day, sponsor golf tournaments at Town and Country Golf Club, and host an annual Lions Fest live-music event at Firehouse Park in the Town of Sheboygan.
Some of the beneficiaries of the funds we have raised over the years have included:
Town of Sheboygan Parks
Town of Sheboygan Fire Department
Town of Sheboygan First Responders
Explorers Post #9999
Sheboygan Area School District Recreation Department
Town of Sheboygan High School Students (Scholarships)
Sheboygan Food Pantry
Sheboygan Senior Community
Many local groups and individuals with needs
Funds are also provided through our State and International Lions Programs to:
Leader Dogs for the Visually Impaired
White Cane Program
Lions Foundation
Lions Camp at Rosholt, Wisconsin
International Emergency Relief
In our first two decades our club has raised over $100,000 to be used in the above areas. Our 2011 and 2012 Lion's Fest raised enough money for our club to donate a gazebo to the Town of Sheboygan's Firehouse Park for parents to enjoy while their kids play on the playground or play on the splash pad. (see photo above).
We are continually looking for new ways to raise money to improve our community. We welcome anyone who is interested in joining our growing club to attend one of our monthly meetings. We meet at Town and Country Club Restaurant at 6PM on the second Tuesday of each month.
Please feel free to join us! We would be glad to tell you more about the Lions and how "We Serve". If you are interested or would like more information, please contact us via email at
Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.